Leo Ma
President of Huawei Cloud Core Network Marketing Dept.
Pablo Tomasi
Principal Analyst, Private Networks and Enterprise 5G, Omdia
Tan Feng
5GtoB Product Director of Huawei Cloud Core Network
Chen Dan
5G Industry Director of Government and Enterprise Dept., China Unicom
Zhang Hao
Director of Network and IT Technology Research Dept., China Mobile Research Institute
Li Bin
Deputy Director of 5G Application Innovation Center, China Telecom Shenzhen
Shen Wenkai
Vice President of Planning and Construction Dept., China Mobile Guangdong
Pan Guixin
Vice President of 5G Innovation Center, China Unicom Guangdong
Tong Hailan
Senior Director of 5G B2B Business, China Mobile Zhejiang
Ayman Magdy Abousenna
Director of Mobile Broadband & 5G Planning, UAE e&
  • Unlock New Business Value with Ultra-Distributed, Fully Connected MEC
    16:00-16:05 (UTC+8)
    • Leo Ma
      President of Huawei Cloud Core Network Marketing Dept.
  • 5G and MEC to unleash new market opportunities
    16:05-16:15 (UTC+8)
    • Pablo Tomasi
      Principal Analyst, Private Networks and Enterprise 5G, Omdia
  • PNI-NPN Fuels Dedicated Industry Network Deployment, Driving More B2B Success
    16:15-16:25 (UTC+8)
    • Tan Feng
      5GtoB Product Director of Huawei Cloud Core Network
  • China Unicom: 5G Dedicated Network Deployment Sees Steady Growth
    16:25-16:35 (UTC+8)
    • Chen Dan
      5G Industry Director of Government and Enterprise Dept., China Unicom
  • Advance MEC Technology, Enable More Services with Ubiquitous Computing Power
    16:35-16:45 (UTC+8)
    • Zhang Hao
      Director of Network and IT Technology Research Dept., China Mobile Research Institute
  • China Telecom: 5G Fuels Industry Digitalization in the Greater Bay Area
    16:45-16:55 (UTC+8)
    • Li Bin
      Deputy Director of 5G Application Innovation Center, China Telecom Shenzhen
  • Guangdong Mobile: Innovative Practices of Mobile VPN
    16:55-17:05 (UTC+8)
    • Shen Wenkai
      Vice President of Planning and Construction Dept., China Mobile Guangdong
  • MEC Accelerates Digital and Intelligent Transformation
    17:05-17:15 (UTC+8)
    • Pan Guixin
      Vice President of 5G Innovation Center, China Unicom Guangdong
  • Laying a 5G MEC Infrastructure Foundation That Converges OICT to Empower Industry Digital Transformation
    17:15-17:25 (UTC+8)
    • Tong Hailan
      Senior Director of 5G B2B Business, China Mobile Zhejiang
  • Etisalat e& 5G Strategy Sharing
    17:25-17:35 (UTC+8)
    • Ayman Magdy Abousenna
      Director of Mobile Broadband & 5G Planning, UAE e&

* Information in the agenda may be subject to change. We will keep you updated.